The wait is officially OVER! We are over the hump of Halloween and moving straight into Thanksgiving and then the Merry & Bright :)

We are beyond blessed and have so many different things to be thankful for, but at the top of our list? Is this beautiful little munchkin! She is just a few days shy of 5 months and it's hilarious to see her little personality shine through more and more each day.

We are so thankful to be given a baby this year. We honestly can't imagine what our lives would be like without her. Every morning when she wakes up she gives us this gorgeous little smile and sparkly blue eyes.

I have been hustling around our house and working on my products to finally open my Etsy shop! I can hardly goal is to have it up and ready by Thanksgiving....just a couple short weeks away!
My shop will feature baby, bedding & bows for now. I am sketching up more designs to bring to all of you so very very soon.

And to make it even more hectic around here, I'm starting to pack and get us redy for our week long Thanksgiving trip to Calilfornia. Whew! Could we cram anymore into two weeks????
I do really enjoy Thanksgiving, but I have always been a little envious of everyone else around the world that start their joyous Christmas celebrations a few weeks earlier than us here in the states. However, I did marry one spectacular guy who supports all my Christmas craziness and year long tributes to the season.
First Peppermint White Mocha of the season!

 I have always LOVED decorating the house and this year will be even more fun because I have an extra room....KENSI'S ROOM!!! She will have her own mini tree and twinkle lights. Plus Kensi's mini chalkboard is getting made over for Christmas! Here's something I doodled yesterday to get some idea as to what I wanted to do.
FYI...Kensi's chalkboard is a white frame and chalkboard paper....all from Michaels!
I am set and ready to start all my baking! I always ship baked goods to friends and family around the country :) And not to mention Hubby and I are working on posts for favorite stocking stuffers, holiday recipes, Christmas traditions, packing a great Christmas care package, our latest obsessions & yes yes Kensi's completed nursery. 

I came across a very fun photo challenge for the month of December and Christmas. I challenge all of you to this and hope you share some of your photos with us. I will be posting our photos on Instagram and you are welcome to follow us at rmbraden09.

Off to work, work, and oh yeah.....WORK!


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