This last week has been quite the rollercoaster ride on top of just finishing up one of the craziest years. It’s easy for us to be affected by events and situations which of course lead so many of us to feel an array of emotions that are difficult to navigate through. Being pregnant during all of this chaos doesn’t do well for my hormones to say the least. I know so many of my friends and family are incredibly hurt, confused, sad and angry. We all are experiencing these feelings. Since we started using essential oils as part of our daily routine I can say they have helped our family be more in control of the emotions. We still feel all of them, but they don’t take over and control everything we do and I’m thankful for that. In hopes of helping others deal with their current emotions I’m sharing some of my favorite essential oils to use for emotional support. 

Many of you know we only use Young Living essential oils because we trust the quality and we’ve seen awesome results. The quality of essential oils is very important and if you’re interested in learning more about Young Living’s Seed to Seal promise of quality oils and products you can read more about that HERE.

Essential oils have incredible benefits that can support the different systems of the body. What’s really cool about essential oils and other natural wellness elements is that they can work well with western medicine. It’s creating a balance of the two. This can work especially well for emotional support like our feelings. Young Living even has an entire kit just for emotional support called The Feelings Kit and you can learn more about it HERE

Here are some of our favorite essential oils to use for emotional support...

Use these oils aromatically by diffusing in a room or throughout the home. I also love using these oils topically by mixing them with a carrier oil and using them in a rollerball. These oils are great for our kids too. Let’s not forget all the emotions our kids may or still are walking through. We can use these tools to help support them just as much as ourselves and remember our emotional demeanor sets the tone for them. Keeping ourselves grounded and calm helps create an environment that feels safe and nurturing for our children. Our home is our safe place and we are the gatekeepers, we get to decide what we allow to come inside. 

In our oil community we talk all about how to use our favorite essential oils to help support our bodies and our homes through simple DIY’s, class events and recipes. Come learn more about our Wild & Grape community and how to join in on the fun!


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