Age: 11 months
Weight: 20lbs 5oz
Firsts: WALKING!
Events: Cinco de Mayo
Travel: None
Foods: She's become a protein nut! Anything that's meat she'll eat, chicken, beef, roast beef; she loves it all.
Favorite Toys: Anything she can stack or match together.
Favorite Thing to Do: When she's asked to walk, she crawls over to her walker, grabs it and walks all through the living room and kitchen.
Sitting Up: Yes
Rolling Over: Yes
Crawling: Yes
Walking: Yes! All month long she's been taking a step here and there, but on her 11 month birthday, she stood up and starting walking to her daddy!
Smiling: Yes 
Talking: Yes, repetitive words. Does screaming count?? 
If talking, what words: Mama, Dada, Lala, Ni-Ni (night night), Du-Du (Duck)
Sleeping Through the Night: Waking up once or twice to eat most nights.
Other: Kensi loves being outside. She enjoys playing in dirt a lot and smelling flowers. She scrunches up her nose as she 'smells' them and says "mmmm"! With the warmer weather we have made more visits to the park; Kensi loves to go on the swings and giggles every time, she even kicks her legs as she swings and we joke she's already mastered pumping her legs. 


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