I think it's so cute to see Baby Girl's eyes light up when we turn on music or begin singing to her, she loves it and thinks we are just so silly! We enjoy singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Patty Cake, but most of the time the songs we sing to her, we make up on the fly...usually to the tune of Christmas songs or simple nursery songs. This comes a little easier to me than it does for Mike by the simple fact I did this in my classroom with my kiddos. One of first songs I sang with them was about the leaves falling off the trees in the fall.

The Leaves Are Falling Down 
(To the tune of The Farmer in the Dell)

The leaves are falling down,
The leaves are falling down,
Oh my it's fall again,
The leaves are falling down.

See all their colors,
See all their colors,
The leaves are yellow, orange and red,
See all their colors.

They don't necessarily have to rhyme. Just this morning I was singing to Kensington about getting her diaper changed. Here are some of the other flukey songs we sing to sweet Baby Girl.

To see more photos you can follow us on Instagram at rmbraden09

Peanut Butter, Jelly Time
(Hilarious! If you are not familiar with it, google it) 

One little, two little, three little apples
Four little, five little, six little apples
Seven little, eight little, nine little apples,
Ten little apples in the tree!

Where is Kensi?
Where is Kensi?
Where is Kensi?
There she is!
There she is!
Kensi has blue eyes
Kensi has blue eyes
Yes she does
Yes she does

Kensi has brown hair
Kensi has brown hair
On her head
On her head

Kensi's wearing yellow
Kensi's wearing yellow
Yes she is
Yes she is

Like I said...we make these up on the fly, and she doesn't mind at all. As long as we're singing to her she loves it.

A couple of weekends ago we took our first little road trip and of course listened to quite a bit of music. Kensi actually became really happy when we played Flo Rida's Whistle song. Kensi began blowing bubbles during the song....we like to think she was trying to whistle and then realized it's a bit more difficult than you'd think. She's just too cute!

We listen to variety of music, it all depends on our mood. We listen to everything from country to pop to rock. I do love that they make songs into lullabies. Some of them include songs by Rascall Flatts, Coldplay, Taylor Swift, The Beatles.

Feel free to share some songs that you sing to your little one.


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