Age: 5 Months
Weight: 15 lbs 2 oz
Height: 25.75 inches long
Firsts: Cereal!
Events: 1st Halloween
Travel: None
Foods: Rice & Oatmeal cereal. Also tried squash and sweet potatoes.
Favorite Toys: Taggie Blanket & Froggie
Favorite Thing to Do: Popping her binkie in and out of her mouth.
Sitting Up: Has much better balance, but still needs a little support.
Rolling Over: Yes, from back to tummy and now tummy to back.
Crawling: Nope, but kicks her legs like crazy.
Walking: Nope
Smiling: Yes and more laughing.
Talking: Cooing and making lots of her own noises!
If talking, what words: No
Sleeping Through the Night: Waking up to eat once around 5-ish!

I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE'S ALREADY 5 MONTHS!!! She's getting so big, but it is so amazing to watch her grow!


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