We found these adorable fruit and veggie baskets at IKEA when we were in Minnesota. They are so cute and very soft and a total steal for $7.99. As of now, these are some of Kensi's favorite toys. They are all made of 100% Polyester fabric and everything is machine washable, which is huge with a baby in the house. I can't tell you how many times she's spit up on her grapes :) 
These are great for those little baby hands as well, they're very easy to grab and pick up. Her favorite fruits from the basket at the moment are the grapes and watermelon. And from the veggie basket, it's got to be the lettuce and mushrooms. She usually has these toys out all day and often will fall asleep with them all spewed about on the floor. Just the other day she was using the watermelon as a pillow and had her arm safely snuggled inside the veggie basket!

Is it bad that I already have my eye on a wood kitchen for Kensi?? I am dying to go back to IKEA and  get their Breakfast setSalmon set and Dessert set....although, those sets have some smaller pieces, I may have to wait until Little Miss is a little bigger, big enough to use the kitchen at least ;) 


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